We are here to assist you with a full range of integrated services.
Emai: info@nordicblue.org
Please send your inquiry via email, and we’ll get you back to schedule an appointment or call. Please be as detailed as possible in your email. Include what industry you need service for along with any specific requests.
Associated Nordic Blue Limited service offices:
Four Star Consulting LLP,
Apt 5, King’s Wharf
Quay 27, Queensway
GX11 1 AA
Tel : +350 200 45837
Core Values Pte. Ltd.,
100, Peck Seah Street,
#07-02, PS/100 Building,
Tanjong Pagar,
Singapore 138680,
+65 8500 8160
Hong Kong
Richard Wilson
P.O. Box 10319,
Hong Kong
+852 6390 9152